Hey guys, it's been a minute (way longer than a minute since I've been consistent here, won't make any promises, but I'm trying to be better you'll see)
If you follow me on Instagram - @barbara1923 - you'll know that I've recently began to make more regular visits to the salon because I'm now a natural hair muse for Tresses by KVC. I've featured in a couple of their social media content and had quite a number of styles done by them so far. Most recently, I got some chunky flat twists done. They are a really great style for work too.

My natural hair was super tangled and needed to be detangled, shampooed, conditioned and trimmed before styling. Koyinsola (the owner of Tresses), supervised this process and kept correcting & advising the stylist making my hair on what to do and how to do some things throughout the process.
As I was relaxing during the shampooing session, it dropped into my head, that all the tips and advise she was giving him could literally be life lessons. So, I recalled all the instructions she had given him and listened out for more of them while getting my hair done.
Now, some of them only really work for hair but there were some really good ones that make for great life lessons and here they are:
1. Water makes everything easier: detangling, shampooing, and conditioning (it literally activates the products).
Life Tip: There is no problem that can't be solved with a cool, calm, temperament. Even the Bible says a soft word drives away wrath.
2. Always keep the hair stretched, especially when shampooing and applying conditioner. It can be a bugger to do, but in the long run, it makes the curls pop and leaves the hair easier to style.
Life Tip: Stretch yourself. You'll always come out better in the long run. No matter how stretched you feel, it is a good thing. It will make you want to go harder, further, faster, higher, do more. Being stretched is the only way you can move to the next stage, achieve the next goal,
3. A little conditioner goes a really long way.
Life Tip: No matter how big a problem or challenge is, the solution is really small and simple most of the time. It just requires patience, self-control and some quiet time to figure out. So, don't sweat it.
4. Clean hair tips make the hair more manageable. You really don't always need a trim, sometimes, all you need is a nip.
Life Tip: Don't cut people off totally all the time. Sometimes, relationships just need to be cleaned out, defined, clarified and understood to make them more manageable. I've learned that. It's possible the nipping needs to be at your end, sometimes, the other person's end.
Detangling is always easier with Water (water is the best friend of natural hair)
Life Tip: We all need to cool down, we all need a little water in our lives to cool down from the stress, the anxieties, the struggles and hustles. Cooling down can be chilling with friends and family. I'm an introvert so for me, cooling down is just being by myself, reading a book or watching Netflix. Cooling is whatever looks good on you. Whatever suits your temperament, DO IT. It will make you feel better.
See a 30secs video of my hair getting done
Which hair tip will you be adopting? Or maybe I should say life tip right?
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